Apple recently announced a new, incredibly small Mac mini with its cutting-edge M4 CPU, which is constructed on a 3-nanometer technology. For those who want even more power, there is an M4 Pro option. Though marginally higher than the M2 model, the new model, which is a new take on the original tiny design, is smaller than ever at 5.5 inches square. It has a redesigned port arrangement for improved accessibility and a tone of improved performance despite its small size.

This environmentally friendly Mac mini maintains its recycled aluminium build, uses 85% less aluminium, and features a 3.5mm headphone jack for easy access in addition to front-facing USB-C ports. Three Thunderbolt ports, Ethernet, and HDMI are located on the back, and the new M4 Pro chip adds Thunderbolt 5 with speeds of up to 120Gbps, which is perfect for jobs like expert video editing.

This release’s powerhouse is the M4 Pro processor, which has a 16-core neural engine for optimized AI tasks, up to 14 CPU cores, and 20 GPU cores. Additionally, Apple increased memory bandwidth by 75% over the M2 Pro, indicating that it can easily handle demanding apps. The Mac mini M4 series supports sophisticated workflows spanning artistic and AI workloads with its 16GB of RAM, which can be increased to 64GB on the Pro models.

This Mac mini, the company’s first carbon-neutral Mac, is another example of Apple’s efforts to be carbon neutral. It is made using 50% recyclable materials and renewable energy.

The top-tier M4 Pro model costs $1,399 USD (£1399 / $2,199 AUD) and has 12 CPU cores, 16 GPU cores, 24GB of memory, and 512GB of storage. The base model, which starts at $599 USD (£599 / $999 AUD), has a 10-core CPU, 10-core GPU, and 256GB of storage. Shipping is scheduled for November 8, and pre-orders are currently being accepted. This small powerhouse appeals to both professionals and environmentally aware customers by combining efficiency and innovation.

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